Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Where it all started... i think

Tuesday 18th August 2009 9.05pm
Just chilling like i mostly do listening to an album that was recorded 30 years ago!!! men not only does it bring back sweet sweet memories but most of all reminds me how old i am or should i say how young i am (just trying to console myself).

The album is the classic (connoisseurs of jazz would understand what i am talking about ) grammy award winning, one million copies selling ONE ON ONE by bob james and earl klugh. This album takes me back to were it all started for me and how i got involved in jazz and how i still am in love with jazz and its varying off shoots 30 years on.It all started at 46 Bode thomas Street, Union Bank Sports Club and in particular a friend called Innocent Akpan (baba inno)!!.He used to have a red peugeot 305 and all he played in his car was jazz, strictly jazz. After we finished playing hockey, we will go to his car and will be playing earl klugh and humming along as it played, initially i thought the music was snubish and but as time passed i fell in love with jazz and especially earl's music.Mr Akpan was older than i was and for some strange reason we seem to get along cos at that time most people felt he was snubbish but personally he wasn't to me.
On this album 'One on One' there is a particular song called 'KARI' which in my humble opinion is probably the best jazz piece every written and that became an anthem for the hockey club back in the day (For anybody that played for the club at that time just mention Kari or play it ) and i can guarantee you that it would take them back to good good times in Lagos!! Part 2 coming soon, my daughter wants to use the laptop kids these days !!

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